
Hy P.G. Lam

Profile Picture

I recently completed my PhD in the Department of Mathematics at Northwestern University. My primary research interest lies at the interface of spectral geometry and dynamical systems focusing on the spectral and dynamical invariants arising in inverse spectral theory. I studied under the late Steve Zelditch and later worked independently with partial guidance and morale support from Jared Wunsch and Elton Hsu at Northwestern University. The premise of my thesis and on-going research endeavors center on the spectral analysis of unitary operators within the framework of Koopman-von Neumann mechanics, exploring the connections between classical integrable systems, ergodic theory and quantum mechanics. A key aspect of this work involves studying the Koopman operator of the geodesic flow on the unit phase space and developing the associated inverse spectral theory to determine the geometry of base manifolds.


Curriculum vitae

Research statement

Please email me to request a draft of my dissertation.



Courses I have taught as graduate teaching assistant and/or have served as a non-profit private mentor:

Courses I have served as a private tutor and/or grader:

Directed reading project

Data science/ML project(s)
